Solar Electric - leased 18 panels installed Jan 2011
Geo-Thermal came on-line here on 14 Nov 2012
Organic Garden
Plugin Hybrid Electric car - converted Jul 2010 estimated 104 kw / mo used to charge 120 miles per gallon
Deck made of Trex to be sustainable
Raised beds of recycled deck material
Attic insulation increased to R-54 and air sealing and weather stripping Jun 2011
High efficiency furnace with side-arm water heater installed Jun 2010
Programmable thermostat settings: 68 day, 65 night
House 2,400 sq ft - 2 story plus basement
Double pane windows
Energy star washer
All lighting CFL and LED

For more information: call Betty HARRIS at 720-560-3806

water bill arrives 3rd of the month.
electric bill is dated from the 14th of the month and arrives around the 1st of the next month.

Prius 107 mpg at the most recent fill up.
It is just now getting broken in.
It is starting to hit its mark.

That included a trip to Arvada and another day of running off the end of the Li-Ion battery. It is a lion all right.